I do not believe in deitism. There is nothing I find more intolerable than a religious person who knows nothing about their religion’s history. These are people who have chosen to remain ignorant to their religion’s past. They will worship their god without knowledge as to how it affected society throughout the ages, how it progressed, where it came from, or the actions taken by the papacy of their religion.
Most Christians can quote numerous passages from the Bible. But very few have knowledge of the dead sea scrolls or when they were found. Christians believe that Christ was the son of the god of Abraham. But very few (if any of them) know about the deitizing of Christ by the Council of Niceae.
People just don’t know exactly what it is they are worshiping. During a religious dispute I once had, the opposition argued that the crucifix came from calvary after I had stated that it came from Rome. To be exact, the Roman Catholic Church around 300 AD after Constantine The Great, creator of the first church, legalized Christianity. If my opposition was correct, then the moment Christ died in 32 AD (approximately), Mary Magdalene, the chosen twelve, and The Virgin all hand carved crucifixes on the spot as Christ hung there dying. No. The crucifix did not come form calvary. Closer to the actual events that took place, those people I previously mentioned all hid underground from the Roman soldiers for fear that they too would be killed, which is why Peter denied Christ three times and also why Christ found them later huddling in a room when Thomas doubted Christ. This started the illegal underground sect that would become Christianity. I highly doubt they were carving crucifixes at that point.
Following the events of the death and resurrection of Christ, a great persecution towards the early Christians began. It is at this time that many followers were stoned to death and martyred. In 60 AD, brought on by the last Julian-Claudian Caesar, Nero, the greatest persecution of the Christians began when Nero blamed the Christians for the fire of Rome. For those of you who haven’t heard, the fire lasted ten days and destroyed much of the Roman city. Nero was said to have played his lyre while the fire consumed the city. Doing nothing to aid the republic or to save the city. Hence why we say an idle person "Fiddles while Rome burned" (Just for some trivia, the viola wasn’t invented until the tenth century and the violin (the Italian for fiddle) didn’t come along until the 1500's, so Nero couldn’t have actually fiddled. More like he Lyred while Rome burned).
One may not need to know about the Julian-Claudian dynasty, nor would they need to know about the great fire of Rome, but if one is going to make a statement, it would be best if they knew what they were talking about.
Deities come from the Pagans before there was philosophy and reason. The idea of deitizing something familiar (such as the sun, an animal, or a person) stems from the primitive mind when people needed an explanation for the sun, for the rain, for a sudden earthquake, volcano, or tsunami. Remember, these were people without science. Without the knowledge we now possess through the explorations of Magellan and Colombus, without the discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus. All they knew was that the giant circle in the sky gave them warmth. This wet stuff fell from the sky and moistened everything. Sometimes too much and killed everything. On occasion a massive wave pummeled their villages or the ground broke apart or the mountain in the distant suddenly vomited fire.
They required the explanations that we have the luxury of answering. To aid them in their comprehension of the world around them they created gods and humanized them with anger and compassion. These gods were there before the philosophy of Socrates, before the god of Abraham, before Zoroastrianism (the oldest organized religion known to man - the three magi from the Bible belonged to this religion). They were there before the potter’s wheel and before fire.
I associate gods with the primordial mind of ignorance and an inability to answer questions due to their lack of tools, knowledge, and placement on the evolutionary time line. We are blessed with tools of science, math, reason, and logic, knowledge granted to us by our precursors, and a placement in the time line when exploration of the world around us, the world on the other side of the earth, and the world of the great abyss known as space is not only possible, but accessible.
Deities are from the mind of primitive man and are meant for the primitive mind.
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