Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Knowing Faith

One trend I have noticed is that those who have supported their religion on faith forget soon after that faith is not fact. Almost immediately they use words such as "I know", "is", and "did" instead of "I believe", "I think", and "I have faith".
No one can "know" that their god exists, that the biblical stories are historically accurate, the marital status of Christ, or the what the future will be. To know such things demands supporting evidence, which everyone lacks because no one has died, witnessed the afterlife, returned, and given supporting evidence of the events they encountered while "dead". It is because of this great lack in evidence that leaves the believer to rely on nothing, but their faith.
Keep your faith. That’s fine, but remember that you have as much evidence to prove that there is a god and an afterlife as I do to disprove it – None.

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